Neeka Clinical Trials
Neeka Trial streamlines recruitment, improves compliance, and decreases time to publishing.

Remote Recruitment & Engagement
Neeka’s trial management system allows for completely remote trials. Recruit participants from anywhere with an internet connection. Confirm eligibility remotely through conversational intake and inclusion surveys, and cut your onboaridng time in half.
Real-time Compliance Monitoring
Investigators and study coordinators can monitor results, adherence, and adverse events in real time. Neeka helps you to minimize dropouts and non compliant subjects, and triggers escalation processes based on adverse result criteria.

Faster Time to Publishing
The Neeka clinical trial management system includes the Neeka Dashboard, a real time, customizable results dashboard. Results are available as soon as your study or trial concludes, meaning you can publish faster.

Contact Us
3415 S Sepulveda Blvd 10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90034
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